Qwertycards – The simple plastic card that goes in your wallet for easy to remember very strong passwords.
Create strong passwords for every website you use.
Every qwertycard is shipped with a cover letter that contains the only copy of your qwertycard codes. You should use this letter as your unique backup. The card is black plastic, the same size and thickness as a typical credit or store card.
Every card has completely unique random codes. We use a special piece of hardware, a true random number generator, to produce physical random data for the codes. We never reuse random data and the digital versions of data and codes are erased as soon as the cards are physically printed.
Step 1: Type in the code letters shown on the ‘spacebar’ of the card Password sh(/J3Hq
Step 2: Enter your own password or secret word – sh(/J3Hq******
Step 3: Type in the code characters for each letter of the website you are using Example: www.AMAZON.com use the code characters for each letter of AMAZON Password sh(/J3Hq*******.u.rqf